MotionSkill Composer v1.1_集运行图形/转场过渡/视差工具/故障毛刺/音效/摄像机工具/表达式工具等 为一体的工具包

发表于:2019-05-05 作者: 分类:脚本扩展 | AE扩展
MotionSkill 功能 •Library of ready transition (转场过渡库) •Transition Composer (转场定制工具) •Parallax builder with several parallax types(具有多种视差类型的视差构建器) •Fast transform tool (randomizer, additive transform, fast align)(快速变换工具(随机发生器,加法变换,快速对齐)) •Glitch presets and expressions(故障预设和表达式预设) •Sound Library(音效库) •Expression Helpers (表达式助手) •Camera tools (摄像机工具) •Responsive speed ramps (响应变速) •Bulk Align tool (批量对齐工具) •Graphic Essential fast converter (Graphic Essential快速转换器) •VR Transitions (VR 转场过渡) •Particle Transition Composer (粒子转场过渡工具) •Fast Loop Builder (快速循环生成器) •Procedural animation builder (程序动画制作工具)
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类型: AE模板

分辨率: 1920x1080

时长: 0:10